Wognei wogne noǵo ǵure, (There was a heaven,)
na_moňv ňneze ǵezï vure. (on which a lot of gods lived.)
A pūň noǵoň kotra łota, (And through the heaven a river flowed,)
tkolā ǵura ćŗnā ňrōta. (which was full of milk.)
Na_ǵłozi kō ňrōqnō łotu (On the bank of the milky river)
vura vorža greizō žôtu. (a tortoise lived for long ages.)
U tguv ǵura greizežôtā, (Even when it was longevous,)
tavgōze ḫňölk wognei qotā. (death waits once for everyone.)
Wognei ćłufra sžūro kogu, (Once thus a time came)
tgu žugosra naćeḫrogu. (when it expired for last.)
(00:01:12, 300 feet = 30 perches = 3 plethrons = ½ stadion)
U tguv ňôra vužek greizū, (Even when its life was long,)
ğïḫkar će_mū tlinūł ćeizū. (a mere carapace was left after it.)
Tlinűł nafor ćeḫor ǵevū, (The god messenger found the carapace,)
hoḫćegi ze ćetlur tevū, (from underneath he covered it with hide.)
Tgo ňūžara vorža nezu, (Where the tortoise was having its legs)
ćłućožnur gža greizō lezu, (he attached two long horns)
tkolō ḫćewur tiḫoň głoža, (which he connected with a bit of wood)
t_nôňiv naćwar ćleivtu ḫkłoža. (to which he stretched stripes of gut.)
A kat kogu ňölkžō hžūło (And so thus the dead animal)
gare žhnutneik ćlžnū ruło. (gave to arise to the first lyre.)
(00:02:24, 600 feet = 60 perches = 6 plethrons = 1 stadion)
Novru vorža ňölkža troḫra, (Before the tortoise fell dead)
na_ḫžűs hāgos Hoňu noḫra. (it was carrying the Earth on its back.)
Ćekō Chrāžanafūćanū (Then Ourladysfame)
ğgžuzŗ Hoňu rožei granū. (lifted the Earth by his left palm.)
Těǵrȗv ḫkłogy Noǵo ḫkewo (Staying nearly of the centre of heaven,)
ğžogŗ žğzïli likḫo ḫžewo. (he raised his hands up.)
Ğoňû gļvor litey ḫžakey, (He held the earth with his holy hand,
na_Noǵû ḫkār rožey ćakey. (on the heaven he stayed with his right heel.)
Na_keň ǵłozy ćrnōň ǵrāka (On the heaven full of mud,)
ḫňotra ḫo žfat woze ćaka. (his heel slipped.)
(00:03:36, 900 feet = 90 perches = 9 plethrons = 1½ stadion)
Noǵofpan, wonv Ğoňû noḫŗ, (Skyling, who was carrying earth,)
na_terone ćlažō troḫŗ. (lowered onto his right knee.)
Na_teromu ćlažōň tropfo, (Kneeling on his right knee,)
na_Noǵû, wūňv ňrōte kopfo, (On the heaven, through which milk flows,)
Nag_ḫžey zražey glvor Ğoňû (Above his head he held earth)
rožō litu ćlḫku žfoňû. (with all fingers of his left hand.)
Aro Ğoňô žortā pūvo (But the graet weight of earth)
ḫtrāmora ze ḫkāro mūvo. (lowered him lower.)
Terone ḫo katō ḫňotre, (His heel slipped too)
ćat ḫo leğćeikare ćotre. (and then it was like hell.)
(00:04:48, 1200 feet = 120 perches = 12 plethrons = 2 stadion)
Ǵôga, ǵôga, wo ke ž_łupu, (Woe, woe, it is in an arse,)
Ğoň ḫo gerï t_Noǵû łūpū.(earth is rushing down to heaven.)
Na_noǵoḫa nalağûra, (Into the heavens it hit,)
ḫkažǵi ḫžôka ćłožlāpura. (overturned the construction of the world.
Noǵo, wov głūž gero ǵure, (Heaven, which was below,)
žo_ḫkleć ḫo kob ćleňômure. (was now turned into a ceiling.)
Ğoňô, wov głūž ḫklećoň ǵura, (Earth, which was the ceiling,)
ž_těgrazy ḫo ćleňômura. (was now turned into a floor.)
Foḫk ňûnyk wo tlāktā sžȗro, (Six minutes is short time,)
ifrû wḫňo won pfkžļkty ňȗro. (we covered only a quarter of mile.)
(00:06:00, 1800 feet = 150 perches = 15 plethrons = 2½ stadion)