
The language of the Thetis VIII planet's sea-going folk was first shortly mentioned by Cyril M. Kornbluth (*1924 †1958 (+ 70 = 2028)) in January 1952 in his story That Share of Glory.

Young Alen, one of a thousand in the huge refectory, ate absent-mindedly as the reader droned into the perfect silence of the hall. Today's lesson happened to be a word-list of the Thetis VIII planet's sea-going folk.

"Tlon—a ship," droned the reader.

"Rtlo—some ships, number unknown.

"Long—some ships, number known, always modified by cardinal.

"Ongr—a ship in a collection of ships, always modified by ordinal.

"Ngrt—first ship in a collection of ships; an exception to ongr."

A lay brother tiptoed to Alen's side. "The Rector summons you," he whispered.

His story does not contain any further information of this planet and language.

In December 2022, the first version of a word analyzer and a concise grammar of the Segof language was published by Pavel A. da Mek.